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Fall 2020

Inspired by the hardships that stemmed from the pandemic, we began planning for a way to give back to the community. This started as a small project between three teenagers, but quickly became bigger as we raised over $1,100 in a week.


We assembled over 140 packages with just six teens and a few parents. It was tough with the limited manpower, but we were able to complete assembly after a long day.


Delivery day was during the very same week, over Columbus Day weekend in October. Armed with a team of three girls and two parents, we brought all of the care packages to homeless in the Austin area in just over 7 hours.

Spring 2021

Hoping to expand this project, Ester Yu, Jocelyn Lee, and Joy Tando brought our mission to Round Rock High School.


They established the Brown Bag Project club and gained many amazing members! We went from three people to over thirty who were all very invested in the vision to make the community a better place!


More people meant that our planning and fundraising became much more effective and successful! We appreciate each and everyone of our members for everything!

Summer 2021

Planning for research, finances, and PR all went extremely smoothly thanks to our members! We were quickly onto fundraising once summer began and raised $1,464.50! We raised money through donations and selling baked goods & art work.


Once all of our supplies had arrived, we held a care package assembly session and finished about 400 bags in record time. Compared to the year before, everything was much more efficient.


We delivered 160 packages to the Austin Sunrise Homeless Navigation Center, 120 to the Angel House Soup Kitchen, and personally handed out the final 128.

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Fall 2021

We collected almost two thousand plastic bags from students around the school to create blankets for the homeless. The majority of the semester was spent cutting and weaving the bags into large blankets for those in need during the cold winter months.

In addition to our blanket project, we collaborated with Baking Club to cook Thanksgiving meals for those in need! We were able to cook, assemble, and deliver over 60 meals to the Salvation Army Downtown Center, while also handing out a few in person.

Spring 2022

In the second semester, BBP hosted a movie night in the school cafeteria as a fundraiser. Families and students from the community came and enjoyed a night of watching the movie, “Up,” while indulging in concessions. The total profit from this event was $130!


We also held a store booth at the local H-Mart to raise awareness and raise money. People showcased their support for our cause and we raised a total of $852! We were able to raise a final total of $1352.00 this year.


Finally, we held our annual care package assembly and delivery event. We packed over 300 bags consisting of items such as water bottles, socks, snacks, etc. and distributed them to Angel House and Sunrise Homeless Navigation Center to help those in need.


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Fall 2022

In late October, we handwrote cards for the Sunrise Homeless Navigation Center and Angel House Soup Kitchen employees as appreciation for their efforts and our past collaborations.


We worked with our with our school’s baking club to successfully cook and deliver over 150 Thanksgiving meals! We made cornbread, fried rice, and salad. We were able to later bring all meals the Angel House Soup Kitchen for distribution to those who needed it during the holiday season.

Fall 2023

During our first semester back, we held our annual Thanksgiving Baking Project. Thanks to a collaboration with Culinary Club and Student Council Class of 2025, we were able to produce 100+ meals consisting of fried rice, salad, cornbread, and a dessert.


The day after, we delivered the meals to Angel House Soup Kitchen and was distributed to those who needed a Thanksgiving meal.

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